Imagine the endless horizons of Almaty, where mighty mountain rivers compete in a stormy dance with crazy whirlpools. Here, among the last mountains and wooded slopes, rafting turns into a real art of nature. Famous for their exuberant energy, the rivers, like luxurious cosmic elements, come to life under the blow of an oar and can take you on an amazing journey. A whirlwind of emotions, a surge of adrenaline, and your screams merge with the sound of stormy waters, creating the harmony of adventure.

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Duration: 12-13 hours.

Visiting time: May - September
Transport: comfortable tourist class transport, depending on the number of people.

Insurance: participants are insured against unforeseen events on their own.
What you need to take with you: Take a small backpack with you, in which you will have your individual first aid kit and small but necessary personal items.

Clothing: Clothing should be sporty and light. Take a shirt with long sleeves for rafting - this will protect your hands from damage caused by coastal tugai vegetation. Please bring swimming suits and accessories, shorts, light cotton t-shirts. But you also need to remember that the mountain weather is changeable and surprises, and you should always have a set of spare and warmer clothes with you.

Shoes: sneakers, change of shoes and clothes.
Do not forget to take documents in sealed packaging with you, proving your identity.
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